Friday, April 11, 2008


Wow, it’s hard to believe next week is the last full week. I can’t be sad though, I am way too happy. Of course summer vacation is going to be awesome (and I can actually sleep for the next few months), but just being able to say this semester is OVER will be the best. I can’t wait.

I don’t know if it’s just because I got all of the hard classes this semester or something…..maybe I just overloaded myself, I don’t know. This semester has been very tiring, and there was ALWAYS something that needed to be done. I just feel like I was never given a break this semester. I never had a weekend completely void of homework. Even this weekend, I have a lot of work to do.

I hope summer doesn’t throw me off too much though, in terms of work. I’d hate to have to come back next year, and have even more work to do. But I hope the summer will be relaxing nonetheless. I currently don’t have any vacation plans (*gasp*), but just laying around the house is fine to me. Just as long as there is no school work, it’s fine with me.


Anonymous said...

I'd agree that this summer was sort of rough. I had a lot of fun but I kept really busy. I'm looking forward to summer, too. It'll give me a time to catch up with things like sleep and reading and that's always a plus. I'll get to do what I want to do :) I don't want to just veg out the whole 3 or 4 months, but it'll be nice not having to answer to anyone for a while.

Asnanti said...

Just saying the words and knowing that is true will be a wonderful feeling. To say, "The semester is over" is like a goal of mine. I know it may be a weird goal, but it is true. I am so ready for my days to be empty, long, and boring. It's funny because I never thought that I would want that to happen to me.