Friday, April 18, 2008

Last Week-Part 4-

Lately I’ve been thinking of becoming an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) in Japan. It’s weird actually. I hate grammar (to a degree) and I was never any good at it, but being an English teacher might not be so bad. I could definitely put these Japanese courses to good use. And I’ve never visited another country before, so that’s always a plus. But I would have to worry about culture shock, and I have read/heard that being a gaijin (foreigner/outsider) is not a good thing in Japan. All of that aside though, being an ALT is both tempting and completely out of the question.

I wanted to be teacher when I was a kid (you know, after wanting to be an archaeologist, a marine biologist, etc.). But later, I decided against it. I don’t really like speaking in front of a room of people, and being a teacher would be a big challenge actually. Most teachers just make you read out of the book, copy way-too-many-pages of notes, or listen to them lecture the whole class. To be a really good teacher, it would take a lot of skill and talent. And what really turned me off even more was the thought of teaching some of the kids I went to school with. You would have to put up with rowdy kids, angry parents, and just a whole lot of crap. Being a teacher just did not seem too appealing to me.
But what the hell?... I’m still considering this job…

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