Friday, April 18, 2008

Last Week-Part 1-

So it’s finally the end, and I’m pretty glad. I’m going to miss a lot of people from my classes, but it’s not like I won’t ever see anybody again (I hope not anyway). I’m just glad for summer to be here and for this semester to be over; I’ve been waiting since early February. This semester was definitely harder than the last, and it was really taxing too. It’s could’ve been worse, yes, but that doesn’t make it any better.

This semester made me question why I was in college actually. I just couldn’t help but think, why am I doing this; why am I here? In middle school it was all about getting into high school. In high school it was all about getting into college. So what am I “getting into to” in college? A job? I don’t think I need to know every single step of photosynthesis to hold a job that doesn’t concern Biology. I even said to myself, ‘Now I know why people drop out of college; they don’t want to put up with all of this crap’. And that’s probably a big reason, other than failing out. I just couldn’t see why knowing all of this was going to help me make it through life.

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