Friday, April 18, 2008

Last Week-Part 5-

Okay, last part, last blog, last……..well, I wish I could say week. Last full week I guess. That’s something to cheer about :). I’ve been waiting for this all semester. Just please don’t let summer fly by….let it go slowwwwwww please…

Well what can I say? It’s been nice knowing you guys. Class was really fun, and dare I say interesting at times. I was glad that our class was a whole group of really diverse, understanding people. I still hate politics with a passion, but I was glad the class wasn’t heated debate every time. I know those times were interesting, but I’m just glad everyone was on good terms. I wish you all good luck with your papers, and good luck in life.

Don’t really have much else to say, but I do need about sixty more words. Well, I can guess I can reflect a little on how much I’ve grown. I’ve learned to see arguments better-in terms of seeing some fallacies and propaganda. I don’t know if I can argue better though. I didn’t break out of my shell as much as I would have hoped. But I will in time I’m sure. Overall, I do think I can write a better paper. I just wish I would learn how to prioritize my life.
Well, I’m out. See you guys later and good luck again. I hope whatever major you’re pursuing works out for you. And always keep an open mind-I find that that works best in life.


Last Week-Part 4-

Lately I’ve been thinking of becoming an ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) in Japan. It’s weird actually. I hate grammar (to a degree) and I was never any good at it, but being an English teacher might not be so bad. I could definitely put these Japanese courses to good use. And I’ve never visited another country before, so that’s always a plus. But I would have to worry about culture shock, and I have read/heard that being a gaijin (foreigner/outsider) is not a good thing in Japan. All of that aside though, being an ALT is both tempting and completely out of the question.

I wanted to be teacher when I was a kid (you know, after wanting to be an archaeologist, a marine biologist, etc.). But later, I decided against it. I don’t really like speaking in front of a room of people, and being a teacher would be a big challenge actually. Most teachers just make you read out of the book, copy way-too-many-pages of notes, or listen to them lecture the whole class. To be a really good teacher, it would take a lot of skill and talent. And what really turned me off even more was the thought of teaching some of the kids I went to school with. You would have to put up with rowdy kids, angry parents, and just a whole lot of crap. Being a teacher just did not seem too appealing to me.
But what the hell?... I’m still considering this job…

Last Week-Part 3-

I’m probably not really in a position to complain about what classes I have to take though; I still have no idea what my major is. I tried ‘experimenting’ this semester, as weird as that sounds. Last semester I took a General Psychology class and really liked it. I didn’t feel as though, ‘this is my major for SURE,’ but, I still liked it. I get bored to tears by most of the subjects I take at school, so finding one that really interested me was pretty cool. Psychology would be a great major because you can apply it to so many things. I would definitely need a Doctorate in it though. A Master’s at the very least.

The other major I have always considered is art. I don’t know what exact subfield, but I’ve always though (and have been told) that art is the major for me. I tried it this semester, and I’m still not sure. Near the beginning, I thought that I just wasn’t cut out for it. I would come to class and get incredibly bored drawing whatever was in the middle of the room. But it got better as the semester went on; I could feel myself improving too. At home, I do like to draw when I have the time. It’s not that I have no interest, but rather, I’m just indecisive.

Last Week-Part 2-

Teachers and parents are always saying, “It’s good to be a well-rounded individual.” I think that’s a good thing- well, at least it sounds good putting it like that anyway. But having to go through all of these extra courses really makes me rethink that. I thought college was going to be focusing mainly on what our major is, and taking a few English or Math classes on the side. I never really thought I’d end up taking a Sociology and Biology class. The classes are interesting for the most part, and I like my professors, but in the end…I just don’t see the point.

Right now, I can only keep reminding myself that having a little bit of knowledge in a variety of fields is a great asset. You can know everything about one particular subject, and that’s great, but knowing nothing about anything else is…pretty lame. I really would like to have a basic understanding of Biology, or a basic understanding of Japanese (I would like to be fluent in Japanese actually). I guess I just don’t see why I have to study something like it’s going to be my major. But damn. That’s an old age question I’m sure everyone is tired of hearing, and I’m probably (actually definitely) not the first to ask.

Last Week-Part 1-

So it’s finally the end, and I’m pretty glad. I’m going to miss a lot of people from my classes, but it’s not like I won’t ever see anybody again (I hope not anyway). I’m just glad for summer to be here and for this semester to be over; I’ve been waiting since early February. This semester was definitely harder than the last, and it was really taxing too. It’s could’ve been worse, yes, but that doesn’t make it any better.

This semester made me question why I was in college actually. I just couldn’t help but think, why am I doing this; why am I here? In middle school it was all about getting into high school. In high school it was all about getting into college. So what am I “getting into to” in college? A job? I don’t think I need to know every single step of photosynthesis to hold a job that doesn’t concern Biology. I even said to myself, ‘Now I know why people drop out of college; they don’t want to put up with all of this crap’. And that’s probably a big reason, other than failing out. I just couldn’t see why knowing all of this was going to help me make it through life.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Wow, it’s hard to believe next week is the last full week. I can’t be sad though, I am way too happy. Of course summer vacation is going to be awesome (and I can actually sleep for the next few months), but just being able to say this semester is OVER will be the best. I can’t wait.

I don’t know if it’s just because I got all of the hard classes this semester or something…..maybe I just overloaded myself, I don’t know. This semester has been very tiring, and there was ALWAYS something that needed to be done. I just feel like I was never given a break this semester. I never had a weekend completely void of homework. Even this weekend, I have a lot of work to do.

I hope summer doesn’t throw me off too much though, in terms of work. I’d hate to have to come back next year, and have even more work to do. But I hope the summer will be relaxing nonetheless. I currently don’t have any vacation plans (*gasp*), but just laying around the house is fine to me. Just as long as there is no school work, it’s fine with me.

School Thoughts Again

It’s crunch time in school right now, and picking classes for next semester is making life even more hectic. As I studied for a Biology test last week, I couldn’t help but think, ‘WHAT is the point of all this?’

Is it really necessary to know every step of photosynthesis to achieve success in life? Do I have to know how to apply the Pythagorean Theorem to a room to figure out its total size, when I have no intention of being a carpenter/flooring contractor/what have you? Need I write these blog posts every Friday to become a billionaire in the future?

All of these classes are for the general education program. I guess they would like us to be well-rounded individuals, and it makes sense. However, I cannot see myself applying a lot of this in daily life. Some of it is helpful, and then some of it just seems like busy work.

Right now, I just don’t see the point of it all. In elementary school, it was all about moving up to the next grade. In junior high, it was all about getting into high school. In high school, it was all about college, college, college. Now, what is this about? I can see taking classes that pertain to my major, but what about everything else? Maybe I will eat my words and really use what I learn, but for right now, I just don’t see how knowing the entire process of photosynthesis will help.