Friday, April 11, 2008

The Can't Think of a Good Title Blog Post

Next topic: foreign languages. I take Japanese right now, and it’s not a very difficult language (yet, anyway). There’s a lot of stuff to remember, but the gist of it is not hard to learn at all. Despite this, I find myself sucking at it really bad. I take this class with a couple of Honor students and some other people good at foreign languages. They’re awesome, and I feel like I can’t compare, ever. I’ll admit I don’t study enough (at all), but they really don’t either. They just hear it, and pick it up. I wish I could do that. It goes in one ear and out the other for me. And, it’s a universal fact that conjugating verbs SUCKS in ANY language.

They say you should apply whatever foreign language you are learning to your everyday life. This makes sense, but it’s a little difficult. I’m constantly surrounded by English, so of course I want to speak English. And practicing out loud would be very awkward for other people. They won’t know what I’m saying, and will probably think I’m wasting time. I think I’ll just keep the practicing mental, or on paper.

And, one day I will learn kanji. It’s going to be rough, but I’ll learn it.


1 comment:

Michael said...

You are learing Japanese right now? That is so awesome, I cannot believe it. A friend of mine, a tennis coach from germany, speaks is fluent in Japanese. He works with two Japanese tennis players and it took him 10 years to learn it. If you can really speak it you have so many oportunities because there is such a huge market for you! Keep it up!